Pupils receive Head’s Commendation for their excellent efforts

Nominated students are congratulated by Head for their achievements and contributions to school life

On Wednesday 18 October, we were delighted to honour another group of pupils for their efforts with the Head’s Commendation award. Nominated by their teachers, pupils joined Dr Lee for a celebratory tea party ahead of receiving their certificates in recognition of their achievements.

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Commendations this time:

Laibah C – Year 13 Laibah has really embraced the challenge in Biology this year and is showing an excellent example of being ‘10% braver’.

Lydia D – Year 8 Lydia is always impeccably behaved and showcases wonderful manners. She is always generous with her time to support younger members of the school, and demonstrated the ability to collaborate, helping others to write their speeches for Open Morning.

Ques-Li DB – Year 12 Ques-Li has embraced every lesson with enthusiasm, engagement and curiosity, creating a buzz of joy and excitement in the room. This week, she demonstrated her progress and understanding in a fantastic 800-word assignment, and has already set herself new targets to address.

Lily C – Year 6 For helping little ones with activities, getting them get breakfast and making sure they are ok.

Rithika S – Year 8 Rithika has impressed with her enthusiastic engagement during the study of George Orwell’s novella, Animal Farm. She has demonstrated great independence of thought and has taken it upon herself to do wider reading to challenge her thinking further.

Ashana H – Year 11 For learning the dance routines to pass the Bharatha Natyam stage 7 with Distinction.

Isobel S – Year 11 Isobel has consistently worked hard, and her prep is always completed to a very high standard.

Annabel DJ – Year 11 For being one of the amazing Language Leaders and helping run a successful Junior School T-shirt competition. Annabel also completed an extraordinary detailed, neat, informative poster of The Cold War timeline.

Ruby CF – Year 12 For being too difficult for anyone to mark in Sport. Ruby makes exceptional runs, turnovers and tackles.


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