Year 5 enjoy Wizard of Oz themed skills day in the Senior School

Junior School children enjoy learning Food and Textiles skills in specialist classrooms!

On Tuesday 23 May, Miss Knight and Miss Lycett welcomed Year 5 into the Senior School Food and Textiles departments for a Wizard of Oz themed skills day; linked to our musical production this year.

This was a wonderful opportunity to integrate the girls into Senior School classrooms and meet some new teachers. Although the skills demonstrated were mostly Food and Textiles based, there were links to Science and Maths too.

In Food, the girls made yellow brick road blondies using custard creams. Following a demonstration, they started making their blondies. This included the technique of browning butter which gave the blondies a deeper, richer and slightly nutty flavour. The outcomes were successful, and everyone had a wonderful time baking together.

In Textiles, we worked on a ‘design and make project’ creating ‘Emerald City accessories’ which will be worn on stage as part of the costumes in our production of Wizard of Oz later this term. The girls learnt needle felting and hand stitching techniques together with some maths skills.

The children had a fabulous day and can’t wait to visit Senior School again soon!


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