School community aim to end period stigma and help others

Northampton High will raise awareness for Menstrual Hygiene Day to highlight the issues faced by those experiencing period poverty

Next week, Northampton High School is raising awareness for Menstrual Hygiene Day, in an attempt to end period stigma. We hope to highlight the issues faced by those experiencing period poverty and help local charities through period product collections and fundraising activities.

What is Menstrual Hygiene Day? What does it signify?

Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) is a campaign that raises awareness for period poverty and the struggles some people have to deal with, whilst breaking the silence and stigma surrounding the topic. It is an opportunity to highlight the importance of menstrual hygiene for women, girls and people who menstruate around the world and educate people on the issues faced by those who don’t have access to sanitary products.

When is Menstrual Hygiene Day?

Menstrual Hygiene Day is on Thursday 28 May. It takes place on the 28th day of the fifth month every year, signifying the average menstrual cycle course of 28 days and the average menstruation length of five days each month.

What charities can I support to help the Menstrual Hygiene movement?

Northampton-based charity, EVE, supports women locally and accepts direct donations of period products.
Period Poverty UK and Bloody Good Period are nationwide charities which accept donations to help those who cannot afford period products both in the UK and in other parts of the world.

What is Northampton High School doing to support this campaign?

From Monday 5 June to Friday 9 June, we will be raising awareness in school by:

  • Putting posters in the toilets about Menstrual Hygiene Day and information about periods
  • Making displays in the Senior School Reception to educate students and visitors on period poverty in the UK and around the world
  • Having Form time activities dedicated to the topic
  • Adding period product collection points around the school; donations such as pads, tampons and menstrual cups are welcome, and will be passed on to a local charity based in Northampton (for further information please ask Ms Eldridge or Mrs Kaur)
  • Date for your diary: Mufti Day on Thursday 8 June – Please wear something pink or red!
  • Opportunity to get glitter tattoos or your nails painted by Femsock members (Thursday 8 June)


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