Ella and Indi shine in recent sporting competitions

Ella has been selected to represent England whilst Indi will be attending an eventing masterclass!

We offer massive congratulations to Ella in Year 10 – Ella has been selected to represent England in the Home Countries’ International Schools’ Indoor Pentathlon Championship, hosted from Glasgow in November. Ella will compete in an impressive array of events, including hurdle, shotput, long and high jump, and the 800m. This is an absolutely fabulous achievement and we wish Ella every success!

We also must congratulate Indi in Year 9, who has been lucky enough to be given the opportunity to join a training day with Ros Canter, a 5* eventer, who was World Champion in 2018.  Indi is a keen rider and has begun her eventing journey with her new horse Rosie. This wonderful opportunity will be much enjoyed by Indi, and we look forward to hearing more about her adventures with Rosie in months and years to come.


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