Cheryl Giovannoni opens Northampton High’s new wellbeing area

The wonderful Cheryl Giovannoni, GDST Chief Executive, kindly visited the school to open our new wellbeing space

At the beginning of term, Northampton High was delighted to welcome Cheryl Giovannoni, GDST Chief Executive, to open our wellbeing area. The day was one of celebration, with this dedicated space reflecting Northampton High’s devotion to student welfare and our enthusiasm to continue the conversation surrounding mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Our hope is that this area provides a safe space for our students to learn more about the importance of their mental health and build foundations and key tools for their future. 

‘I think what excites me most about this project is its potential to evolve over time. We identified a need for a wellbeing space during the pandemic, but were restricted at the time with what we could do as a result of government guidelines on social interaction. Now that we have returned to some semblance of normality, it seemed like the right time to set up a space to help support a growing need for additional care around mental health in our community. We are thrilled with how the space is already developing, from a white box to a biophilic sanctuary with multiple uses. We still have a way to go, but the journey to get there is proving to be very rewarding and we look forward to seeing how our pupils will make the space their own and make it work for them.’ –  Miss Kneen, Assistant Head Pastoral


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