Sixth Form Economics students take part in virtual conference

Our 6.1 and 6.2 Economists took part in the GDST event led by Oxford High

On Friday 13 November, 6.1 and 6.2 Economics students were thrilled to be given the opportunity to participate in a virtual Economics conference, organised by Emma, a Year 13 student at Oxford High School GDST.

The girls were able to listen to a range of highly regarded academic speakers from the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Reading on a variety of topics linked to economics and the environment. The conference was entitled, ‘What can our generation do to make the economy work for the environment?’ and covered issues such as the use and management of rural land, climate change and glaciers in Central Asia, economic policies to tackle climate change and tried to address the all important question – will it cost the world the world to save the planet?

The conference gave the students an opportunity to expand their understanding of market failure and a chance to experience a more undergraduate style of teaching. We are grateful to our friends at Oxford High for giving us the opportunity to be part of his fantastic GDST event.


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