140th Birthday Gala Concert tickets available now

Tickets are now available for our 140th Birthday Gala Concert, which is to be held at All Saints’ Church on Friday 7 December

On Friday 7 December at 7pm, we are delighted to be able to host our 140th Birthday Gala Concert at All Saints’ Church in the heart of Northampton. The concert is a collaboration between pupils and staff of Northampton High with The Orchestra of the Swan, an English professional chamber orchestra of international renown, based in Stratford-Upon-Avon. The Orchestra of the Swan is the Resident Orchestra at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, and we have enjoyed a number of collaboration events with this ensemble at Northampton High in the past.

This event promises to be a magical musical celebration, hosted at All Saints’ Church, which was historically the spiritual home of the High School.  Northampton High girls and the Northampton High Community Chamber Choir will be performing alongside Concert Master and violinist, David Le Page, and Rebekah von Lipinski, making for an evening not to be missed!

Tickets are priced at £10 for adults and £5 for concessions (children and seniors) and are limited, so please secure your tickets as soon as you can. Tickets are not required for girls performing in the concert. To book your tickets, please go to: https://www.trybooking.co.uk/GUF

We look forward to spending the evening with you at this finale event of our 140th Birthday Year.


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