Nothampton High School
High News

Friday 14 October 2022

Why is RSE important in schools?

First and foremost, you may be asking, “What is RSE?” RSE stands for Relationship and Sex Education. It is usually taught as part of the PSHE schemes of work in most schools and is made compulsory for schools to offer it, by the government. Relationship and sex education is about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, gender, sexuality and sexual health and is tailored according to age, and physical and emotional maturity of the children and teenagers to which it is delivered.

The Department for Education introduced compulsory Relationships Education for primary pupils and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) for secondary pupils from September 2020, though here at Northampton High School, we have been doing that for many years as we believe it to be a vital part of education for all children and teenagers.

Through the topics covered in these lessons, the government aims to “support all young people to be happy, healthy and safe”. As part of the wider education of our pupils, we aim to ensure that they are able to leave us, after completing their education, as well rounded citizens with excellent A level grades, are able to navigate the tricky waters of the modern world. It is also important to us here at the High School, that we are able to engage in open dialogue with you as parents about this, and believe that working in partnership is essential to your understanding of what we are teaching, but also giving you options for you and your child. We fully appreciate that there may well be topics that you are less comfortable with and even topics that you wish to opt out of for your child. Our hope is that with further discussions and consultation, we are able to put your minds at rest, and offer further detail on what is delivered, however that decision remains yours to make. The idea is not to indoctrinate pupils with ideas that go against the individual beliefs of members of our community, but to foster opportunities for pupils to explore themes that they are exposed to via social media and through conversations and interactions with their peers.

So why is it so important to include it within our curriculum? High quality RSE ensures children and young people are equipped with the knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence to cope with the many pressures and challenges of modern society. Learning about friendships and family in RSE are the building blocks to help children to understand themselves and others. Knowledge alone is not enough. Developing skills such as listening, negotiation and decision making means young people will be more prepared to take responsibility for, and enjoy, sexual and emotional relationships free from the unwanted consequences of sexual relationships such as sexually transmitted infections and the dangers of exploitation and abuse.

To read the full piece, please click here.

Miss Kneen
Assistant Head – Pastoral

The Week Ahead

Monday 17 October
Hockey: U13 vs Thornton

Tuesday 18 October
Metamorphosis Drama Workshop
Hockey: U15 vs Thornton
Ski Trip Parents Information Evening

Wednesday 19 October
Economics Year 13 Exam Clinic
Sixth Form Information Evening

Thursday 20 October
Biology Year 13 Invitational Clinic
Tennis: U18 vs Twycross House
Hockey: 1st & 2nd XI vs Wellingborough
World Challenge 2024 Parent Launch

Friday 21 October
Half Term Break Begins (2 Weeks)

Please click here to view the Clubs & Activities timetable for the Autumn Term

Mental Health Awareness Day at Northampton High

On Monday 10 October, our Wellbeing Team led our school assembly with a wonderful presentation from our Year 13 student Eliza to kick off Mental Health Awareness Day. The pupils learned about the benefits of being aware of our mental health and the simple steps we can take to grow a healthy and happy mind. In Eliza’s fantastic speech, which you can read in full here, she advocated against the social stigma surrounding mental health and assured her peers that support is available to those who may need it. Following this, Mrs Giordano encouraged pupils to distract their mind and be present in their body, leading simple, yet effective exercises to achieve this. 

The wellbeing of our students and staff is a top priority at Northampton High, and we place huge emphasis on helping our students to build strong foundations and key tools for their future. We continued this focus with a week of fun activities, including a lunchtime mindful walk on the school grounds, where staff and students from both Junior and Senior School embraced the positive impact that exercise can have on their mental state.

Our new wellbeing area has been a hub of positive energy this week, with pupils taking time to pause in this calming space, sharing practical ways of ‘what keeps my mind healthy?’ and creating empowering affirmations for themselves. We have been delighted to hear such positive conversations on mental health from students of all ages. Additionally, our ‘take what you need posters’ that are decorating the corridors have been a big success, encouraging pupils to recognise their needs by carrying words of motivation in their pockets as a way to be kind to their mind.

Northampton High is devoted to student welfare and is proud to have incredible specialists and wellbeing resources accessible to our pupils. Our enthusiasm to continue the conversation surrounding mental health continues to be a priority in supporting our students at school in order to enhance their futures.

Miss Price
Digital Marketing Assistant

World Space Week at Northampton High

Both Senior and Junior School have had an enjoyably busy time celebrating World Space Week with its theme of ‘Space and Sustainability’.

The Junior School have enjoyed walking through the Solar System down the back hedge of the school grounds, and have been wowed by a visit from the Planetarium, which some Year 7s also participated in. Years 5-11 have been involved in competitions reusing waste materials to make rockets, designing rockets to sustain life in space, and writing essays on the theme of ‘Space and Sustainability’, whilst Lego Technology Club deviated from their normal activities to create a scaled solar system in the Science Foyer. Last Friday the whole of Senior School learned about the role of black women in the early development of NASA and the hurdles they faced, as we celebrated World Space Week and Black History month together in assembly.

I have been amazed by the quality of the work produced by the students, and the enthusiasm with which they have approached the various tasks. A special mention must go to Alicea-Mae M and Mary A for their starring roles as Mary Jackson (the first black female engineer at NASA) and Mae Jemison (the first black woman in space) respectively, in our assembly.

Below and above are some images that really show the variety on offer through the week. You can also read the fantastic winning essay in our competition, written by Mia L, by clicking here.

Mrs Vizor
Head of Physics

Year 10 and 11 Drama students watch live performances

Over the past two weeks, the Drama department have had the opportunity to be inspired and enthralled by plays that they have seen at the theatre.

On Tuesday 4 October, Year 10 and 11 Drama students visited Leicester Curve Theatre to watch Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ performed by Frantic Assembly. The students were engaged and shocked by the physical and graphic storytelling.

On Wednesday 5 October, Year 11 GCSE students travelled to London National Theatre to watch Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’, which they are studying as part of their exam. The students were mesmerised by the staging and rainfall.

They were engaged by the acting and overall performance and the visit supported their understanding of the text. A thoroughly enjoyable day!

Mrs Marriott
Subject Leader Drama

Creative Arts Spotlight

This week’s Creative Arts Spotlight shines onto our Year 10 Drama group.

This is because they have all enjoyed an incredible start to the year, with each lesson being filled with curiosity and enthusiasm. Each student has also prepared and auditioned for the National Theatre Connections play 2023 – ‘Tuesday’.

Well done everyone!

Mrs Marriott
Subject Leader Drama

High Sports: Equestrian team qualify for Hickstead after Bury Farm triumph!

The equestrian team enjoyed a good day of competition on Saturday at Bury Farm.

Maisie jumped two lovely clear rounds on her new pony in the 50cm and 60cm showjumping, with Sophie, who was also representing school for the first time, also performing brilliantly in the 70cm and 80cm.

Then, the 80cm combined training team of Eloise, Lexie, Izzy and Indi danced and jumped their way to second place which qualified them for Hickstead. This is a fantastic achievement, well done to all!


High Sports: Hockey vs Kings High

On Saturday 8 October, we played a hockey match against Kings High School. Kings High are a very strong team and despite losing, we were delighted to score our first goal of the season thanks to Kara, who was also Player of the Match.

We worked really hard the whole time and I think we did quite well. I think we could definitely improve our speed, because if we’re quicker there is less chance of the opposition intercepting. We could also improve how we use our bodies, for example when we are marking between them and the goal.

Well done everyone!


Society of Printmakers

It was great to see Zoe S, Sri Vand Jessica W, all from 6N, inking up their drypoint plates and running them through the etching press in Senior School Art. Well done to you all, your intaglio prints look fantastic!

We will be moving onto using mirror card, with new subject matter, after half term.

Mrs Beacroft
Head of Creative Arts

Book of the Week

The Good Ally by Nova Reid – Recommended for older readers, this book is an urgent call to arms to become better allies against racism and provides a thoughtful approach, centering collective healing, to do so.

It is a book for those against persistent racial injustice, hungry to expand their knowledge and understanding of systemic racism in Britain and beyond. It uncovers the roots of racism and its birthplace, anti-Blackness.

It is for those who not only want to be able to better recognise both subtle and overt forms of racism in action, to examine their powerful role in it, but who want to know what to do about it. The answer often lies within.

The Good Ally is the answer to ‘what next?’

Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad – This book discusses topics like white privilege, racial stereotypes, cultural approbation and more, so everyone can understand race and racism. It has the power to make you question the world that you live in while giving you the tools to do something to change it.

Miss Buxton
School Librarian

Christmas at Northampton High: Save the Dates!

Sixth Form Information Evening - Wednesday 19 October 2022

We look forward to welcoming so many lovely families to our upcoming Sixth Form Information Evening on Wednesday 19 October. The evening promises to be a superb showcase of Sixth Form life at Northampton High School.

If you would like to come along, please do feel most welcome, and should you have family, friends, or neighbours keen to visit us, please encourage them to book their place here and join us!

Mr Nash
Marketing & Communications Manager

Join our team!

At Northampton High School, we currently have a number of exciting vacancies available, which include teaching positions, catering and hospitality assistants, nursery nurses and more.

If you would like to know any more information about these exciting opportunities we would love to hear from you! Full details can be found by clicking here, or alternatively, please feel free to give us a call on 01604-765765.

Mr Nash
Marketing & Communications Manager

Parking Notice

Please can we kindly remind parents and visitors to not park in the designated disabled parking bays when visiting the school unless they hold a blue badge.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Mr Stubbs
Operations Manager

Festive Wreath Workshops - Adults Only

We have arranged for an excellent florist (Bouquet Chic) to deliver wreath-making workshops for any interested staff, parents, friends and family members. 

Why not book a place to enjoy making a festive creation along with friendly people and a supportive and talented instructor? Spaces are £65 per person which includes everything you’ll need to make a fantastic, impressive wreath for your door and refreshments during the workshop. 

Join us on Tuesday 5 December 5:30-7.00 on Wednesday 6 December 12:15-1:45. To book a space for yourself and/or friends and family members please contact

Miss Hair
Head of Junior School

Community Nursery Sessions


Term Dates 22/23

Northampton High School
Newport Pagnell Road, Hardingstone Northampton NN4 6UU
T: 01604 765765 nhsadmin@nhs.Gdst.Net