Nothampton High School
Junior News

Junior News – 3 February 2023

6 – 12 February 2023 is Children’s Mental Health Week. The week is run by children’s mental health charity Place2Be to raise awareness of the importance of children and young people’s mental health. This year’s theme is Let’s Connect. Place 2B have created a parent top tip page and I felt it timely to share these with you ahead of the visit next week.

What’s it all about?

Let’s Connect is about making meaningful connections, and for Children’s Mental Health Week 2023, Place2Be is encouraging people to connect with others in healthy, rewarding and meaningful ways.

As parents and carers, you are an important role model to your child. How you connect with friends and family will influence your child, and how they develop their own friendships and relationships. For example, how you greet people and maintain friendships, but also how you forgive people or say sorry when you need to.

What can you do?

Here are a few simple ways you can connect with your child and help them to make meaningful connections.

1. Connect with your child in everyday ways

Moments of connection (and re-connection) are really important in child-caregiver relationships. For example, when you pick them up from school, or come in from work, try to give them your full attention and see if this helps you feel better connected as you hug, talk, smile and hear about their day. Watching your child play and joining in is really important to them – so put your phone away and have a bit of fun – being playful is good for adults, too!

With your older child, you may find times such as car journeys a good time to talk, or to re- connect by playing music you both like. It is important to be accessible to a teenager when they need to talk. You may have to be there ‘on their terms’ and be ready to listen.

2. Talk to your child about important connections

This could include talking about family members, friends, neighbours, childminders, people in the local community and others in your faith group (if you have one). Remember it’s ok to talk about people they miss, for example, family members who live in a different country or people who have died.

Children learn a lot from their parents about how to express their feelings, including the joy that comes with feeling connected to others and the sadness that comes with missing others.

3. Talk to your child about their friends

As children become teenagers, their friendship groups become increasingly important to them. Be open to hearing about their friendships and try to listen without judgement.

Ask them about their life in real life and online. You may not think online friends are ‘real friends’, but your child may feel differently. Losing friends, feeling left out or being bullied is very painful and your child needs to know you will support them through these difficult times.

4. Connect by taking an interest in your child’s world

As adults we can sometimes be dismissive of the things that our children and teenagers are interested in, e.g. their music, fashion, what they watch etc. If you do take an interest in these things, however, you may feel better connected to your child and the important things in their world. This can lead to other conversations about other things in their lives that matter to them.

5. Find time to connect as a family

Family life can become busy and stressful, so it’s important to find some time where you connect together. This could include simple things like cooking, watching a film, playing a game, going to the park or even doing the family shop together.

6. Try to resolve conflict and re-connect after arguments

Arguments and moments of disconnection are bound to happen in families – between your children, between yourself and your children and between yourself and your partner, if you have one. It is important that children learn how to disagree in appropriate ways, how to say sorry and how to make amends when they have done something wrong. They will learn a lot about how to do these things from you – so try to model the behaviour you want to see in your children. Talk to them about how to re-connect with friends after a disagreement.

Parenting Smart, Place2Be’s site for parents and carers, is full of expert advice and tips on supporting primary-age children, and managing their behaviour.

Let your child know that if they are worried about something, they should always talk to an adult they trust. It could be you, someone in your family, a teacher or someone else in their school.

If you’re worried about your child’s mental health you can talk to your GP or someone at your child’s school. You can also find a list of organisations that provide support and advice on our website:

I am wishing you all an enjoyable weekend together.

Miss Hair 
Head of Junior School 

Dates for your diary

KS2 Outdoor Learning 

Monday 6 February – Year 4
Monday 20 February – Year 3
Monday 27 February – Year 5
Monday 6 March – Year 6
Monday 13 March – Year 4
Monday 20 March – Year 3
Monday 27 March – Year 6

Class Assemblies – Please join us from 8.20am for your child’s assembly 

Wednesday 8 February – Year 4
Wednesday 1 March – Year 2
Wednesday 8 March – Year 1
Wednesday 15 March – Year 6
Wednesday 22 March – Year 3


Forest School open sessions for parents/family members to attend

Nursery – 9 March 10-11.30am
Pre-school and Reception – 10 March 1.45-3.15pm
Year 1 – 16 March 1.45-3.15pm
Year 2 – 7 March 10.15-11.45am
Year 3 – 20 March 1.45-3.15pm
Year 4 – 13 March 1.45-3.15pm
Year 5 – 27 Feb 1.45-3.15pm
Year 6 – 6 March 1.45-3.15pm

Other dates to remember

Mental Health Week – Monday 6 to 10 February
Open Classroom – Wednesday 8 February 3.30-4pm
Games Night  – Monday 27 February 3.30-5pm
World Book Day – Thursday 2 March-In pyjamas (bedtime story theme)
Hatching Experience – Monday 6 to 17 March
Mothers Day Afternoon Tea – Friday 17 March
Easter Craft Workshop – Monday 27 March 3.30-5pm
Easter raffle tickets will be sold over the term and raffle drawn at the end of term

The Power of Connections

Next week is children’s mental health week and we will be exploring the importance and impact of connections.

One way we will be doing this is to connect with our friends at Richmond Village by writing a letter or drawing a picture to send to each resident. Each child from Nursery to Year 6 has been linked to a resident and the girls will be invited to write and/or send their resident a piece of artwork to make a connection. We know this will mean an awful lot to the residents and that they will hugely benefit from receiving this post but also that our girls will feel a positive impact through the knowledge that the receiver’s heart will be warmed by their efforts.

If you have time this weekend to support your daughter to draft a letter and/or work on a piece of artwork to send to their resident please do so. The children will have some time in school to work on this but any additional preparation will make their outcomes even more special.

World Book Day

Do you have lots of pre-loved children’s books, but don’t know what to do with them? We would like them!

We are looking forward to World Book Day, which we will be celebrating in the Junior School on Thursday 2 March 2023, after half term. Pupils have been invited to come to school dressed in pyjamas (with sensible footwear please!) and engage in a number of activities to support our love of reading.

One way we would like to ask for your help is to donate pre-loved, good condition children’s books (fiction / picture / board and non-fiction) so that we can hold a ‘Recycled Book Shop.’

More details will follow about how these can be purchased on the day, but we hope that you can find some books over the weekend and half term break that can be enjoyed by others and have a new home.

Books can be donated between Monday 6th and Monday 27th February, by placing them in the boxes in the Junior School entrance hall.

Money we raise from this venture with go directly back into purchasing quality reading materials for our Junior School pupils.

You will find a payment item on your daughters ParentPay account where they can pay for 1, 2 or 3 book tokens that will allow their child to choose a book from the pre-loved book selection.

Many thanks for your support.

Head of Junior Takeover! - Friday 10 February

Rosie and Cordelia B will be the acting Heads of Junior School next Friday as their bid was successful at our charity silent auction held at our recent Christmas Fayre.

Amongst other tasks, they will be on the gate meeting and greeting families at the start and end of the day, leading the achievement assembly, teaching Year 1 PSHE and Art and of course will be in the staffroom at breaktime!

We are looking forward to this enjoyable experience on the last day of this half term.

News from our classrooms: Nursery and Pre School

This week in Nursery we have continued our superhero theme but have started to look more towards our everyday heroes; the people that help us. We have introduced some small world characters such as police, a doctor and a firefighter among others to the garden area for the girls to engage with. We have also found out what helpful things they do by looking at information books.

The weather has been rather nice this week and the girls have been keen to spend more time outdoors, enjoying the bikes and climbing equipment.

At Forest School, we took our spades and went on a worm hunt…looking for the elusive ‘Superworm’ from our Story of the Week.

In phonics, using excellent listening ears, the girls decided which object made a particular noise that they had heard and in French. They were given the opportunity to use their listening skills to really tune in to the sound of the French language whilst they followed a pictorial story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.

Counting has been our focus in Maths. Counting objects and giving one number to each object, learning that the last number said is the total amount.

The Pre Schools story this week is ‘Super Worm’, so we went on a bug hunt to co-inside with the story, finding insects in their real habitats. Even though the girls fully engaged using magnifying glasses to search for the insects, we only found a spider and a fly. Even looking in their hiding places didn’t seem to work. Luckily we had some pretend ones to improvise our walk. The girls enjoyed taking it in turns to draw what they saw on a piece of paper.

Coco powder with spaghetti, worms in mud, was a favourite for some. They used their hands and arms and got covered with the mixture by the end of their play session.

In Maths this week we have been focusing on number recognition finding numbers hidden in shredded paper.

Cooking always seems to be a highlight of the week. The girls like to hear what they are making and following the step by step instructions to create wonderful edible food.

As the weather has improved this week we have been able to venture out into the pirate ship area where the girls have demonstrated their climbing and bicycle skills.

Please be reminded of our school trip to the church on Wednesday. There is no cost, however, we are asking for a donation to the church and we are suggesting a minimum of £1.50 per child. Please bring this as cash in an envelope with your child’s name on so that they can make the donation at the church.

News from our classrooms: Reception

Our book focus this week is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’  We have written a class book of this story and everyone in the class had one page to write, resulting in us now having our own amazing version.

In Maths we have been finding pairs of objects and then working out ‘how many pairs do I have’?  We are learning to look carefully at details when undertaking observational drawings and trying to take our time to be more accurate.

Our phonics sounds this week are ‘oa’ and ‘oo’. (long and short)

In cooking we used some mixed beans (linking to Jack) and tasted some. We then used them to make a mixed bean and rice salad.

Our material focus was ‘plastic’ and we could find lots of plastic toys to play with. We then made a paper boat and a plastic boat to compare what would happen when we put them in the water tray.

Year 1 Computing Focus

In Computing, Year 1 have enjoyed learning about the importance of clear instructions.

We have followed instructions to create a coloured picture of a bird using Purple Mash software and have given directional instructions to tell a character how to move around a map

Year 2 Computing Focus

This week Year 2 have been collecting data and creating pictograms using 2Count on Purple Mash. They have found out that chocolate cake and horses are very popular!

We have also been using our Chromebooks to practise our times tables using Times Tables Rock Stars and we will taking part in our first tournament, NSPCC Rocks on Friday.

In English we have been improving our typing skills and familiarity with the keyboard by typing up our Monster description into Google Classroom for our classroom display.

Year 3 Computing Focus

Year 3 have been learning how to create a Google Slides presentation.

The girls have created a presentation about our topic on India and researched to include lots of interesting facts and were able to insert text, images and videos to make the presentation even more interesting.

Year 4 Computing Focus

This term year 4 have been using Google Sheets.

They have been learning to format cells creating images, produced tables and then from these bar charts. They are beginning to use formula to make simple calculations.

Well done everyone!

Year 5 Computing Focus

Year 5 have been using Purple Mash to design packaging for a product of their choice.

This involved creating the 3D shape before using a pattern fill tool and adding relevant product information to the net.

The products requiring packaging included chocolates, toys and socks!

Year 6 Computing Focus

This week, Year 6 have excelled in their Spreadsheets topic.

We have learnt how to create formulas in Google Sheets to add, multiply and find totals of amounts in different real-life scenarios.

We have also used spreadsheets to create graphs to represent different types of data, choosing pie or line graphs depending on the context.

News from outside of our classrooms: GAP Club

The theme for this term is Winter and to support this we have created an artic role play.

The girls have helped to create an igloo, penguins and a sleigh and have enjoyed dressing up in hats and gloves. Miss Long has also started a paper maiche polar bear.

You may have spotted our new display that the girls have all contributed to. They have made penguins, polar bears and robins using various techniques. GAP have also supported Miss Hair by creating fish for the Junior School reading room.

Please don’t forget to prebook your GAP Club sessions from 4.15pm using the Vectare system.

There are QR codes available from GAP Club, Junior School reception or Breakfast Club. The early session from 3.30-4.15pm does not need to be Pre booked, but it is helpful if you could write in your daughters’ planner to give us an idea of numbers. Girls booked until 5pm all have the opportunity to have a snack consisting of a piece of fruit and a biscuit. The late session from 5pm includes a light tea.

We look forward to welcoming you soon. 

Mrs Howell & GAP Club Team

Awards for this week

Star Learners of the Week – Marine A, Georgina P, Ella K, Nellie L-S, Agnes R, Cristina S-R, Cora S, Luisa P, Avelyn C, Varnikha K, Sri V

Linguist of the Week – Annabel P
Swimmer of the Week – Eve C

Each week girls are invited to share their achievements in activities outside of school. They are listed below for this week:

Georgina P – achieved her 15m front and back stroke badge in swimming
Jasmine I – awarded a medal and certificate in Rhythmic Gymnastics
Lillian P – awarded a Gymnastics trophy and dance medals
Annie T, Lydia C, Olivia H – awarded Gymnasts of the Week
Grace B – took part in the Tennis Orange Ball Competition
Shanaya S – awarded an Indian Dance medal and certificate
Ellie A, Eve C, Rhoda J, Maya A, Lily C – achieved their Pluto award for Gymnastics
Leah W – achieved a Mercury award in Gymnastics
Cora S, Luisa P – achieved their Saturn and Venus awards for Gymnastics
Sri V – has qualified for the next round in the Primary Maths Challenge

Birthdays for this week

This week, we wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Junior School family:

Olivia C, Cordelia B, Zoe S, Elodie K, Maya J, Sophia R-N, Pixie R

'The Aspect' - A podcast by Shef Nandhra

We are proud to announce an exciting initiative from one of our recent alumnae, Shef Nandhra, and announce her brand new podcast.

Available on multiple platforms, the podcast explores sustainability across different industries, and the youth’s involvement in these ventures. Individual episodes will feature guests and experts from a broad range of industries who will share how their work contributes to sustainable futures and harnesses the power of the youth.

Episode 1 is now available and can be downloaded below. Please do listen and subscribe!

Links to Episode 1: SpotifyAmazon MusicYouTubeGoogle Podcasts.

Mrs Wilmot
Director of Marketing & Admissions

Save the Date: Parents Afternoon Tea - Friday 7 July

We invite you to save the date for this summer’s Parent Afternoon Tea event, which will be taking place on Friday 7 July, from 2 – 3.30pm. The cost for this event will be £15pp, and bookings can be made via ParentPay, with a deadline of Wednesday 31 May.

More information will follow over the coming weeks and months, but we do hope you will be able to join us for what promises to be a lovely afternoon.

Miss Hair
Head of Junior School

Turning 'can we?' into 'we can!' - Spring Open Mornings at Northampton High

We look forward to welcoming so many lovely families to our upcoming Spring Open Mornings on Friday 3 March and Friday 28 April. The events promise to be a superb showcase of life at Northampton High School.

If you would like to come along, please do feel most welcome, and should you have family, friends, or neighbours keen to visit us, please encourage them to book their place here and join us!

Mr Nash
Marketing & Communications Manager

Dance Festival - Wedensday 29 March 2023

We warmly invite you to save the date for our annual Dance Festival, which will take place on Wednesday 29 March.

This year our show will take you ‘Through the Decades’ and include performances from students across the school from Reception to Sixth Form. Pupils have also been invited to attend auditions should they wish to perform a solo, duet or group dance with their peers.

Our PE Staff will be working with Junior School classes, as part of the curriculum, to create and rehearse an exciting display of class dances.

We are also incorporating our House System into the Festival, to showcase a House Dance and involve pupils from Year 5 upwards to collaborate and work together.

We have some superb Dance Leaders choreographing the House Dances and I am positive the evening will be an inspiring performance of talent and expertise in the Arts.

Mrs Blake
Director of Sport

Hope Centre Donation Box

Community Sessions

Home Start Northampton: Volunteers needed!

Term Dates

Northampton High School
Newport Pagnell Road, Hardingstone Northampton NN4 6UU
T: 01604 765765 nhsadmin@nhs.Gdst.Net