Nothampton High School
Junior News

Junior News – 17 June 2022

Over 100 girls joined us for film night and whilst we don’t talk about Bruno I can tell you we all had a fantastic time. It’s a very popular film, of which some children appeared to know word for word, but there’s something exciting about watching a film with your friends and enjoying cinema style snacks! We even enjoyed an acapella sing-a-long at the end led by three Year 6’s during which I surprised myself as I found myself joining in and then humming the songs well into the evening at home – it must have rubbed off on me!

Wednesday morning swiftly changed from my plan for a relaxing, social breakfast with visiting parents and girls in the dining hall to rolling up my sleeves and getting behind the serving counter to help the catering team with the incredible amount of parents and visitors who were keen to enjoy a cooked breakfast with their daughter. Thank you so much to all that attended as the dining hall was busy, full of positive energy and a lovely opportunity for members of our community to come together. Now we know how popular this event is, we will make the tweaks needed to reduce your queue time.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Year 1 class assembly this week as they spoke so honestly and confidently about their favourite parts of being in Year 1 and their feelings about,  and anticipations for, moving into Year 2. It is always lovely to welcome parents into school and for our girls to celebrate their successes with their families. Class assemblies are fast becoming a true highlight of my week.

We have ended the week with ‘Cultures Day’ which has provided an exciting, interesting and inspiring collection of activities for the girls. It was lovely to welcome the girls into school dressed in their own clothes to represent their culture – such an array of colour and the pride the girls have for their culture was tangible. The children enjoyed collaborating to create a Rangoli pattern at the entrance of school – thank you for the parent contributions too. Pupils experienced a range of activities over the morning that allowed them to develop their understanding and appreciation of other cultures.

This week has ended incredibly warm and despite the forecast threatening rain for the next two days I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your families. 

Miss Hair
Head of Junior School

School community reunites for Sports Day 2022!

On Friday 10 June, we were delighted to invite our wider school community back to Northampton High School to spectate Sports Day 2022. This year was particularly memorable for those who attended, as it was the first Sports Day in three years where we were able to host family and friends!

All students were in great spirits as they sported different fancy dress outfits, according to their House colours! Keeping with tradition, students competed together in their House teams; Artemis, Demeter, Hestia and Selene, in an attempt to win the coveted trophy. With the glorious weather on our side, the day was destined to be fun-filled and unforgettable!

Congratulations to each and every student who took part and provided support and enthusiasm throughout the day! The efforts of all four Houses were remarkable and a demonstration of what can be achieved when we work together. A special well done to Hestia for being the Junior School winners, and to Selene for being crowned the Senior and whole school champions!

A huge thank you to the PE department for arranging this wonderful event, and to our talented students, whose efforts and positivity made this Sports Day one of the best we’ve had!

Click here to view some more pictures from the event.

Miss Price
Digital Marketing Assistant

Junior School House Swimming Galas

The Junior School House Swimming Galas were a wonderful event before half term and it was lovely to see so much good swimming from the girls and support from the parents.

Today I had the pleasure of attending the celebration assembly and awarded certificates to the girls who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the finals. It is, however important to remember that every student participated and points were awarded to every person, therefore they all contributed to their house.

The results for each year group are as follows:

Year 3

1st Hestia
2nd Artemis
3rd Demeter
4th  Selene

Year 4

1st  Artemis
2nd Demeter
3rd Selene
4th Hestia

Year 5 

1st Selene
2nd Artemis
3rd Demeter
4th Hestia

Year 6 

1st Artemis
2nd Demeter
3rd Hestia
4th Selene


1st Artemis
2nd Demeter
3rd Hestia
4th Selene

Miss Fraser
Acting Director of Sport 


Head's Commendations

On Thursday this week, we were delighted to honour another group of pupils for their efforts with the Head’s Commendation award. Nominated by their teachers, pupils joined Mrs O’Doherty for a celebratory tea party ahead of receiving their certificates in recognition of their achievements.

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Commendations this time:

Isabella B 2N: Isabella was nominated as she has been really kind by helping our new student to settle in and make friends. She also made her a welcome card to give to her on her first day in school.

Eloise C 3N: Eloise always demonstrates a great work ethic in all subjects; she’s focused and always tries her best. Eloise has also been working very hard on her sporting achievements. She loves playing netball and more recently, an athletics coach requested her attendance to receive additional coaching.

Esme B 8N: Esme has been nominated for her commitment to extracurricular events this year. She has attended both Eco Team and Current Affairs Clubs throughout the year and she is always willing to get involved; she is particularly good at helping to include younger peers from the Junior School in paired / group activities.

Rosie D 10H: Rosie has been nominated for breaking the school high jump record, and setting a new personal best on grass, by jumping 1.51m at Sports Day in June 2022. Well done Rosie!

Jasmine C 10S: Jasmine has been nominated for her proactive efforts within the Sports Faculty. Great work Jasmine!

Mr Nash
Marketing & Communications Manager

Reminder: Summer Fayre - 8 July

Have you booked your child’s place for our Summer Fayre yet? If not then please do so through ParentPay if you would like to join us.

The event will be full of fun activities for children from Nursery to Year 6 to enjoy, and it will take place straight after school until 5pm. Don’t forget that parents, family members and friends can book places in our adult only zone to enjoy afternoon tea, a chat and some peace whilst we entertain the children. These are also bookable through ParentPay.

We hope to see you there!

Reminder: Cricket opportunity

One of our parents has kindly arranged for a box to be made available to us as a school at Northampton County Cricket ground on 11 July for the England vs South Africa Women’s cricket match.

The match starts at 2pm and we have 21 places available for parents and children. If you would like to join the group with your child then please do contact the Junior School office on as soon as possible to reserve your places as we will issue them on a first come, first served basis. All children will need to be accompanied by an adult and transport to and from the event will need to be arranged.

This is a great opportunity for the girls to experience so I am sure it will be popular with you all.

News from our Classrooms: Nursery and Pre School

This week we have introduced a picnic basket to the environment, this has sparked interest with both the Pre School and Nursery children.

In the Pre School, there was a lot of discussion about going on a picnic, here is the conversation –

“Let’s pretend we are going on a picnic at the beach, what do we need?”

“We need food”, and the children listed, cake, jelly, cupcakes, sausage, sandwiches (cheese, ham, chocolate spread, Gummy Bears, candy, bubblegum, ice cream, big marshmallows, cotton candy, cheese pancakes, chocolate pancakes.

The children were asked is this is a healthy picnic? They then added banana and salad.

“How are we going to get there?” Double decker bus and the cost is £5 per ticket.

“When will we go?” Sunday from 6am to 8pm – one child said they were a little concerned that her mummy didn’t know about the trip. The others explained it was a pretend trip.

“What will do when we get there?” Swim in the sea, make a sandcastle – we need to take a bucket and spade, collect shells and pebbles, play ball, we need an umbrella in case it rains, sun cream.

The children then role played the picnic, sitting around the picnic mat and eating our unhealthy picnic food.

In the Nursery room, the tuff tray has been set up as a beach with a sea and sand.  In the sea there were some sea creatures.  We have been subitising the shells and fish, estimating the numbers of each and grouping them into different sized groups, looking at patterns and sizes.

The children have been gaining awards in Gymnastics, and are very excited when they are presented with their certificates and badges.

On Cultures day, the children came dressed in many outfits linking to their home cultures, there was an African dress, a Caribbean outfit, Ukrainian colours and we had a visit from princess Charlotte to name a few.

The Pre School went to the theatre on Thursday morning and watched ‘Mog the Forgetful Cat’. The girls had an amazing time, singing along with the songs and taking part in activities that were set up in the lobby.  We were very proud of the girls and their behaviour. They really listened well to Chris, the bus driver and walked safely from the bus to the theatre.

Mrs Bing and the Nursery Team 

To view more photos please click here


This week we have been putting the finishing touches to our ‘Sunflower’ art work, to be displayed in the Art Festival. The girls have also been sewing and decorating a felt butterfly, trying to remember about how the pattern on the wings is symmetrical.

We have been focussing on our handwriting and letter formation, practising how to sit the letters on a line.

In Maths we have been learning about sharing groups of objects equally to make it fair. We have also been looking at odd and even numbers.

In ‘Handa’s Surprise’ we have been thinking about similarities and differences between Handa and ourselves, drawing and listing our ideas.

Building in our outdoor space is proving popular with some great walls being created, encouraging some great team work and perseverance.

Mrs Farrar & Mrs Shaw
Reception Class Teachers

To view more photos please click here

Year 1 - Humanities Focus

In Year 1 we have started learning about the Great Fire of London. The girls identified lots of differences between London nowadays and in 1666, and were delighted that Samuel Pepys wore his long curly wig in the video we watched.

This week we did some Drama activities to try and understand how people might have been feeling at the time – as you can see from our photo, the girls were very good at being scared while they packed their belongings, buried their toys and ran away from the fire.

Miss Brandon-Jones
Year 1 Humanities Teacher

To view more photos please click here

Year 2 - Humanities Focus

In our most recent lessons, we have been looking at The Victorians. We have been making lots of comparisons between past and present.

We have explored school life, homes, holidays, and travel. We are lucky enough in school to have some Victorian artefacts that the girls have very much enjoyed exploring. They have been writing on slate boards, washing clothes and looking at various kitchen utensils.

They have all demonstrated a very good understanding of the differences between past and present and we have had some very in-depth group discussions about how life might have been for the Victorians and whether or not we would have liked living in the Victorian times.

Miss Scott-Evans 
Year 2 Humanities Teacher

To view more photos please click here

Year 3 - Humanities Focus

We’ve been busy in Humanities this term learning all about Northampton and the local area around our school. We have explored the village of Hardingstone creating sketch maps of our route and the services nearby. We have also learned lots about the history of Northampton town.

It’s our class assembly next Wednesday and we will be sharing our learning in detail then, so we hope you are able to join us.

Miss Scott-Evans
Year 3 Class Teacher

To view more photos please click here

Year 4 - Humanities Focus

The theme of our Humanities lessons this term is ‘all around the world; we are taking a closer look at where the countries of the world are located.

In our first lesson we learnt which lines were latitude and longitude on a map and on a globe; identified and understood the significance of the equator; labelled both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and identified the location of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

Then in small groups we chose a country in each of the hemispheres and created fact files on them which we shared with the rest of the class.

Mrs Shaw & Mrs Smith
Year 4 Class Teachers

To view more photos please click here

Year 5 - Humanities Focus

We are having a great time in Humanities at the moment, especially with the excitement building ahead of our Geography trip next week!

The girls are learning about rivers, and are very much looking forward to the practical activities at Everdon Outdoor Learning Centre. This week has been a research week, including fact files for rivers around the world and finding out about erosion and deposition.

Miss Brandon-Jones
Year 5 Class Teacher

To view more photos please click here

Year 6 - Humanities

Year 6 have learnt so much about major world religions in their RE lessons. These have included Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism. 

They have used their skills of inquiry to research the name of the deity, the founder, the holy book, leadership roles, basic beliefs, religious festivals and anything else that they found interesting for each religion.

Once their group work was completed they prepared to deliver their facts to their peers and designed informative google slides to highlight important facts. The quality of their speeches was very impressive and we are immensely proud of the confident young adults they are becoming.

Finally, the girls were given the chance to identify similarities and differences between the religions.

They now all have a deeper understanding of the major world faiths and their significance to those of faith.

Mrs Fordham & Miss Taylor
Year 6 Class Teachers

To view more photos please click here

News from our extracurricular offer: GAP Club

We have spent lots of time outside this week enjoying the warmer evenings.

We have made something really useful for our dads for Fathers Day and continued experimenting with water colours.

Mrs Howell and the GAP Club Team  

To view more photos please click here

News from Outside of our Classrooms: Sywell Country Park Trip

On Tuesday Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic trip to Sywell Country Park on a hot and sunny day.

The activities linked perfectly to our Science curriculum, learning about habitats and classification keys. It was amazing to see how many habitats you can have in a small area such as a country park.

We searched for invertebrates in a formal garden planted with plants mainly to attract butterflies. Then we examined a grassy area, a meadow in sun, then in shade and a woodland area. We discussed the different species of invertebrates living in each different habitat and how the shelter, food and living conditions changed in each.

After a break for lunch and a play in a fabulous wooded area filled with tunnels and walkways, we enjoyed pond and lake dipping. We discovered pond skaters, snails and leeches to name just a few. The leaders were full of knowledge and we all learnt so much.

Mrs Shaw & Mrs Smith
Year 4 Class Teachers

Awards for this week

Ballet Dancer of the week – Emily T 

Musician of the week – Amelia N and Lottie F

Linguist of the week – Diya and Risara 

Star Learners of the week -Sophia F, Sophia R-N, Anne A, Amelia K, Emily K, Eve C, Kinara, Eloise C, Eloise R, Thea, Asmi, Varnikha, Emily F, Florence D

Each week, girls are invited to share their achievements in activities outside of school. They are listed below for this week:

Siéna-Louise participated in the regional all England Dance Festival, competing in dance solos and trios. Their trio was placed 3rd and is going through to the National all England Finals in London. 

Caoimhe – was awarded 2nd place in a Lead Rein competition. She came 2nd with Nova in a young handler class at a local dog show and was also awarded Dancer of the Month in her Irish dancing group.

Rhoda – awarded 3rd place in a karate competition.

Grace P – achieved an archery award.

Harriet S – achieved an award for tap dancing.

Ellie J-M – achieved a clear round in horse riding.

Emily F – qualified as an Ocean Diver.

Playground Helper – Caoimhe, Eloise C, Thea and Evette were very helpful in the playground. Thank you very much.

To view photos please click here

Birthdays for this week

This week we wish a very happy Birthday to the following members of our Junior School family:

Isabella B and Luisa

Upcoming events and key dates

Uniform Swap Shop – open every Friday 3.15-3.45pm

Swimming watch weeks for parents to watch the swimming lesson – Dates and times:

Reception – Tuesday 21 June
Year 1 and 2 – Friday 24 June

20 June – Year 5 Trip to Everdon
22 June –  U11 Tennis and Cricket Rally
23 June – School Production of Seussical the Musical
28 June – Year 3 Trip – National Space Centre
29 June – Gym and Dance Extravaganza
01 July – Whole School Welcome Day
06 July – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 trip to Woburn Safari Park
07 July – Sports Day – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (weather permitting)
8 July – 3.30pm-5.00pm Summer Fayre
14 July – Year 6 Valedictory Event 

Class assemblies for this term – we warmly invite parents to attend their daughters’ assembly starting at 8.35-8.50am, with refreshments with the Head of School from 8.20am:

Wednesday 22 June 2022: 3N
Wednesday 29 June 2022: Reception

GDST Alumna of the Year Award Nominees - Sasha Roseneil nominated!

We are incredibly proud that Northampton High School alum Professor Sasha Roseneil features in the shortlist for this year’s GDST Alumna of the Year award.

Sasha is a true advocate for inclusivity and equality and an inspirational role model for all of our pupils. A world-renowned interdisciplinary social scientist, a group analyst and psychoanalytic psychotherapist, and a distinguished university leader, Sasha is truly a powerful advocate for women and girls through her work.

Everyone at Northampton High congratulates Sasha on this amazing achievement. To find out more information about the award, and to register your vote, please click here.

Good luck Sasha, we are all rooting for you!

Mr Nash
Marketing & Communications Manager

Summer Reception and Charity Auction’ at Althorp House – Wednesday 6 July

We have received communication from Mr. James Saunders Watson (Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for Northamptonshire) and members of the Northamptonshire Committee of ABF The Soldier’s Charity that parents of Northampton High School are warmly invited to attend the ‘Summer Reception and Charity Auction’ in the Stable’s Courtyard at Althorp House.

The evening will commence at 18:00 for drinks and canapés, with music provided by students from Northampton High School, with an option to stay on for the Charity Auction as well (19:30-20:30). As this is a charity event there is a charge of £30 per person, if you would like to attend please email no later than 14:00 on Thursday 23 June, and we will confirm details of how to make payment directly with the ABF The Soldier’s Charity. Due to security arrangements at Althorp Estate, this is a strictly ticket only event with confirmations required well in advance of the event.

If you would like any further information, please do get in touch.

Mr Hume
Director of Finance & Operations

Reunion Lunch - Saturday 9 July 2022

Tickets for our Summer Reunion Lunch are on sale now!

Taking place on Saturday 9 July, the Lunch is a highlight of any year, where alumnae from both the Derngate and Hardingstone sites get together for a delicious two-course meal and to catch up with friends old and new.

For more information and to book your tickets, please click here. We are also delighted to share with you the latest edition of our Alumnae Newsletter. To take a read, please click here.

Mrs Wilmot
Director of Marketing & Admissions

Creative Arts Season

We are delighted to invite you to attend our annual Arts Festival on Tuesday 21 June, from 6.00pm-8.00pm.

There will be a programme of performances and exhibitions taking place throughout the school celebrating the talents of students in Art, Drama, Fashion & Textiles, Food and Music. The evening will include exciting collaborations within the creative and performing arts.

Please let us know if you will be attending, by completing the form by Monday 13 June.

Mrs Beacroft
Head of Creative Arts

Northampton High Presents: Seussical the Musical

We are delighted to invite you and your family to our Senior School’s performance of Seussical The Musical, on Thursday 23 June 2022 at 7pm. The performance is suitable for all ages, so please bring along family and friends. We hope you will be able to attend what promises to be an exciting and fun-filled performance.

We would be grateful if you would complete the form to let us know whether you would like to come along, and the anticipated number of family and friends that you would like to bring along by Friday 17 June.

Mrs Marriott
Director of Theatre

Community Nursery Sessions

Join our team!

At Northampton High School, we currently have a number of exciting employment opportunities available as we look to grow our team, with vacancies available to join our team of mini bus drivers, our site supervisor team and more.

If you are interested in joining the Northampton High School family we would love to hear from you! For more information and to apply, please click here.

Mr Nash
Marketing & Communications Manager

Term Dates

Northampton High School
Newport Pagnell Road, Hardingstone Northampton NN4 6UU
T: 01604 765765 nhsadmin@nhs.Gdst.Net