
The Arts Season at Northampton High

Northampton High School is thrilled to be celebrating its annual Arts Season.

The Creative Arts faculty are very excited to present ‘Annie’ and our annual Arts Festival this half term! We are thrilled that so many tickets for ‘Annie’ have already been sold and would like to encourage all who are yet to order to do so quickly to avoid disappointment! Please also respond to the Arts Festival invitation so that we can cater for you with mouthwatering food and refreshing drinks during our exciting evening.

Students and staff have been working tirelessly and with great passion. The costumes, props, lighting and sound are all waiting for you and, thanks to the excellent leadership of teachers and support staff over an extensive rehearsal period, our orchestra and actors are feeling well prepared and confident. Mrs Marriott, Mr Nathan and Mr Laubscher certainly have a clear vision for the sound and aesthetics of the production. Miss Lycett and her team have professionally sewn tremendous costumes, and the props department, including Mr Ham, Mr Laubscher and Miss Sanderson, have also excelled themselves. I have been amazed by the intricate construction of Sandy the Dog, worthy of a Broadway production! Watching Sandy take shape at the hands of Miss Sanderson has been a privilege. Seeing is believing, so grab your tickets!

Arts Festival
Our annual Arts Festival includes an exciting Performing Arts Showcase in the Theatre, along with a summer picnic served from the Food Department. There are outstanding displays of Art and Textiles work around the site and we are delighted that Year 4’s sea urchin ceramic lights will take pride of place as a solo exhibition outside the Theatre entrance. All students from Nursery to Year 13 will be justly celebrated and we take great pride in our inclusive school where every girl’s creativity matters to us all.

Never underestimate how much it means to a young person when you attend an event and offer those words of encouragement and praise. They will not forget your kindness.

The Arts Season at Northampton High