How to Apply: Junior School
For girls aged 4 – 11 years. Please follow the below steps:
Step One – Visit us
We invite you to look around the school and meet with the Head of the Junior School
Step Two – Registration
Simply complete our online registration form which can be found here, and pay the registration fee of £120.
Step Three – Taster Days, Assessments and Offers:
Entry into Reception (age 4 – 5 years)
There is no assessment for entry into our Reception class, however we will invite you in to visit us for a tour with your daughter, so that we may show her the school and meet with her in person. Following an offer and acceptance of a place, transition sessions will be arranged for the summer term prior to the September start date, when girls spend time with their peers and teachers. Some girls like to join us in PreSchool, ready for starting our Reception Class in September. We are always delighted to welcome girls into our PreSchool, subject to availability.
Entry into Years 1 – 4 (age 5 – 9 years)
Your daughter would be invited to spend one or two taster days with us, during which time she will participate in a normal school day and meet her classmates. We do not formally assess for entry into these year groups; however, we will gently observe your daughter throughout her day, including her reading and writing skills. We will provide feedback on your daughter’s day with us, before confirming whether an offer of a place will be made.
Entry into Years 5 – 6 (age 9 – 11 years)
Your daughter would be invited to spend one or two taster days with us, during which time she will participate in a normal school day, meet her classmates, and take some short assessments in English, Mathematics and Reasoning. These are computer based assessments and take around one hour in total. We will provide feedback on your daughter’s day with us and her assessment results, before confirming whether an offer of a place will be made.
Step Four – Accepting a place for your daughter
All offers made will be sent using the online system that you used to register your daughter with us at the start of the admissions process. You will accept online using this same system where you will be asked to complete some additional family details, provide direct debit information for the school fees, upload a copy of your daughter’s passport, and pay a £500 deposit to secure your daughter’s place.
Step Five – Welcome!
A welcome day is held in the Summer Term prior to your daughter starting with us in the September. Girls joining us mid-year will be invited to spend a further day with us if they would like to, before their start date.
For further information about how to apply, please contact us on or 01604 765765 (Admissions).