
How to Apply

  • Step 1: Contact our dedicated admissions team via 01604 765765 or to arrange your personal tour.

    Step 2: After your tour, register your daughter and request the sessions you’d like her to attend – there is a registration fee of £120 payable. The link to register can be found here.

    Step 3: Once we have received your request, we will review internally before returning to you with an offer.

    Step 4: We ask you to confirm acceptance of the place and we will secure a start date for you. We will coordinate some settling in sessions ahead of your daughter’s start with us.

    Step 5: In preparation for your start date, we invite you to attend the settling in sessions, for your daughter to become comfortable with her new surroundings, and giving you complete peace of mind.

    Step 6:  Step back and enjoy watching your daughter happily attending nursery, see her learning confidently and quickly developing her key skills

  • Step One – Visit us: We invite you to look around the school and meet with the Head of the Junior School

    Step Two – Registration: Simply complete our online registration form which can be found here, and pay the registration fee of £120.

    Step Three – Taster Days, Assessments and Offers

    Entry into Reception (age 4 – 5 years) There is no assessment for entry into our Reception class, however we will invite you in to visit us for a tour with your daughter, so that we may show her the school and meet with her in person. Following an offer and acceptance of a place, transition sessions will be arranged for the summer term prior to the September start date, when girls spend time with their peers and teachers. Some girls like to join us in PreSchool, ready for starting our Reception Class in September. We are always delighted to welcome girls into our PreSchool, subject to availability.

    Entry into Years 1 – 4 (age 5 – 9 years) Your daughter would be invited to spend one or two taster days with us, during which time she will participate in a normal school day and meet her classmates. We do not formally assess for entry into these year groups; however, we will gently observe your daughter throughout her day, including her reading and writing skills. We will provide feedback on your daughter’s day with us, before confirming whether an offer of a place will be made.

    Entry into Years 5 – 6 (age 9 – 11 years) Your daughter would be invited to spend one or two taster days with us, during which time she will participate in a normal school day, meet her classmates, and take some short assessments in English, Mathematics and Reasoning. These are computer based assessments and take around one hour in total. We will provide feedback on your daughter’s day with us and her assessment results, before confirming whether an offer of a place will be made.

    Step Four – Accepting a place for your daughter All offers made will be sent using the online system that you used to register your daughter with us at the start of the admissions process. You will accept online using this same system where you will be asked to complete some additional family details, provide direct debit information for the school fees, upload a copy of your daughter’s passport, and pay a £500 deposit to secure your daughter’s place.

    Step Five – Welcome! A welcome day is held in the Summer Term prior to your daughter starting with us in the September. Girls joining us mid-year will be invited to spend a further day with us if they would like to, before their start date.

    For further information about how to apply, please contact us on or 01604 765765 (Admissions).

  • Step One – Visit us

    Whether you attend one of our Open Mornings or enjoy a personal tour of the school, we invite you to visit us and get to know our school, our staff and our pupils.

    Step Two – Registration

    In the Senior School, the majority of girls join us at 11+ (Year 7) and at 13+ (Year 9), although, on occasion, we may have spaces in other year groups.

    Simply complete our online registration form which can be found here, and pay the registration fee of £120.

    Step Three – Assessments and Offers

    In the October prior to the following year’s September intake, once you have registered your daughter with us, you will receive an invitation for her to attend an Entrance Assessment Day in the January of the intake year. We make formal offers of places in mid-February as well as offers of Scholarships and Bursaries at this time.

    On the Year 7 Entrance Assessment Day, your daughter will sit short online assessments in English, Mathematics, verbal and non-verbal reasoning. The assessments are based on the National Curriculum and there is no need for girls to specifically prepare for these assessments*. Your daughter will join in with a variety of team building activities, have lunch with us and participate in group activities and a ‘getting to know you‘ session in the afternoon.

    On the Year 9 Entrance Assessment Day, your daughter will online assessments in Maths, English, verbal and non-verbal reasoning.

    We make formal offers of Senior School places in mid-February for the following September intake.

    Should you wish your daughter to join us in other year groups in the Senior School, or at other times of the year, we are pleased to make individual arrangements for taster days, entrance assessment and admission.

    Step Four – Accepting a place for your daughter

    Upon making an offer of a place for your daughter, we will ask you to complete our acceptance documentation, provide a copy of your daughter’s birth certificate or passport, and to make the deposit payment of £500 to secure your daughter’s place with us.

    The deposit will be refunded to you when your daughter leaves the school. There are a number of opportunities for girls and their families joining the school to get to know their teachers and peers before they start with us, including Welcome and Information Evenings, Welcome Days, Taster Days and other events, to ensure the transition to the High School is smooth and enjoyable for all.

    For further information about how to apply, please contact us on or 01604 765765 (Admissions).


    * We do not provide any practice or past papers for these assessments.

  • Step One – Visit us

    Whether you attend one of our Open Days, our Sixth Form Information Evening, or enjoy a personal tour of our school, we encourage you to visit us, meet the Director of Sixth Form, and get to know our staff and our pupils.

    Step Two – Registration

    Simply complete our online registration form which can be found here, and pay the registration fee of £120.

    For a more detailed breakdown of how to apply for entry into Year 12, please click here.

    Step Three – Taster Days, Assessment and Offers

    Girls join our Sixth Form from a wide range of schools. New entrants to the Sixth Form are expected to achieve at least five GCSEs at Grade 7-9s, including a minimum of Grade 6 in English and Mathematics (or the equivalent in international qualifications).

    Details of our A Level courses, Elective subjects on offer and specific entry requirements are available in our Sixth Form Programme Guide. We invite prospective pupils to sit our Entrance Assessment examination and attend our Sixth Form taster days to experience life in our Sixth Form, as well as meet with the Heads of Department of the subjects that they wish to study.

    We ask for a copy of a recent school report and results in mock GCSE examinations, when available. We make conditional offers for places in December for the following September intake, which are confirmed once your daughter receives her GCSE results.

    We are pleased to make individual arrangements for Taster Days, assessment and admission.

    Step Four – Accepting a place for your daughter

    Upon making an offer of a place for your daughter, we will ask you to complete our acceptance documentation, provide a copy of your daughter’s birth certificate or passport, and to make the deposit payment of £500 to secure your daughter’s place with us.

    The deposit will be refunded to you when your daughter leaves the school. There are a number of opportunities for girls and their families joining the school to get to know their teachers and peers before they start with us, including Welcome and Information Evenings, Taster Days, Welcome Days and other events, to ensure the transition to the High School is smooth and enjoyable for all.

    For further information about how to apply, please contact us on or 01604 765765 (Admissions).


How To Apply